Holiday spirit comes from within. It cannot be purchased or given.
We’ve heard this before, am I right?
Yet, even though we know this, we still find ourselves searching for the very special feeling fondly referred to as ‘holiday spirit’. Why is that, and why can’t we find it when we need it?
Perhaps we’re not looking in the right places.

5 Ways to Find Your Holiday Spirit
Give Yourself ‘The Gift’
What’s ‘The Gift’?
I don’t know what ‘The Gift’ is, exactly. But I can tell you it doesn’t cost anything and it’s something you’ve been wanting.
Don’t you know what it is?
I’m sure you do. Look a bit more closely. Closer. Inside, silly. Now you got it. That’s where you need to look.
Before looking outwards for your Holiday Spirit,
you need to look inwards.
How are YOU feeling? What do YOU need? How can YOU settle down for just a minute to take in the magic of the season? Exclusively for you. In a way completely YOUnique to you.
I’m not talking extravagant gifts. I mean keeping some time to yourself. Yes, I know you’re busy. I know exactly what it’s like to juggle the demanding job, kids, parents, spouses, in-laws, animals, yadda yadda yadda. I also know that if you do not find a spare moment to yourself, things will get more overwhelming, and you, for sure, will not find your holiday spirit.
So give yourself ‘The Gift’ that you need. Find a teensy weensy bit of peace and calm. Just for you. Only for you. Selfishly, magnificently, you.
Some ideas:
- Hot bubble bath. Add candles, cocoa with a peppermint stick, weighted eye mask and soft, soothing holiday music. A good 30 minutes’ll do ya. Wrap up in the soft robe and watch a feel good holiday movie.
- Stroll through that really freaking cute town you love. Meander in and out of the adorable shops. No purpose other than to meander and appreciate the lights, smells and sounds. Smile and wish tidings of you (say hello) to at least 5 people.
- Meet a friend for coffee in the adorable coffee house with the amazing decor. For heavens sake, do not meet the one that annoys you or stresses you out. Meet that good friend. The one that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. The one that inspires you. Tell them you love and appreciate them. Get the decadent coffee, not the light and skinny one.
Give The Gift To Others
Now that you have received ‘The Gift’ it’s time to move outwards and give to ‘The Gift’ to others.
Give of yourself, in any way that you most desire. Just make it true, genuine giving, that comes from the heart. If you’re all grumpy-like this will not work and you will not find your Holiday Spirit.
You realize, I’m sure, that anyone can grab a toy and drop it in a donation box. You should still do that, but it likely won’t fill you with the Holiday Spirit.
Give with an authentic desire to make a difference in the lives of others. While you are at it, take a moment to be grateful for all you have.
- Organize a toy drive.
- Adopt a family with a group of friends.
- Volunteer at your local soup kitchen.
- Put together full meal donation boxes. Alone or with a group of friends.
- Volunteer to deliver meals.
- Sit with someone that is lonely. Ask them to share stories of their holidays as a child.
Your Holiday Spirit will be found in having given your time to someone that needed a helping hand.
Random Acts of Kindness
Set an intention to complete a specific number of Random Acts of Kindness. Then go out and actually do them.
Since they are random, you won’t know what they will be. Your job will be to look for the opportunities, which make it fun as well as incredibly rewarding.
Seeing and feeling the gratitude and sincere appreciation will come back to you ten-fold. You will be showered with well wishes that surely will elevate your Holiday Spirit.
- Pay for the car behind you in a drive-through line.
- Help an elderly person with their groceries; or a mother with a bunch of kids.
- Entertain a child on a checkout line that is obviously becoming tired and restless. Mom will appreciate your game of ‘Peek-A-Boo’.
- Send an uplifting card to someone that has been struggling.
- Surprise a busy mom by dropping off a home cooked meal to feed the whole family.
- Surprise your spouse and clean the whole house, spic and span, while they are out or at work. (oh, sorry, that’s my wish, how did that get on this list…)
- Clean the snow off your neighbor’s car; or clear the driveway of an elderly neighbor.
- Offer to babysit so your friends can escape for a couple of hours, kid-free.
You never know what opportunities can present themselves! Keep an open eye and a desire to be kind.
Your heart will swell just a little more with each act of kindness, until it explodes with Holiday Spirit!
Step Back, Re-Wind
Pull out those old holiday records!
OK, so maybe not records, but do find a good Holiday playlist.
Music sends energy vibrations that we feel. Literally elevate your vibe!
Plus, those old songs will spark some feel-good memories.
Grab your favorite beverage, and sing along!
While you’re singing, sipping and spinning, pull out some old photos from holiday’s past.
Reminisce over the memories. Shed a happy, loving tear for those no longer here. Remember fondly the love and traditions you shared. Comfort yourself in knowing they would want you to enjoy yourself this holiday season.
Think back to when you were the child in those pictures. Remember the wonder and awe you felt.
Remember the magic.
When my son was younger, we never discussed Santa as a mythical figure.
It was just known that Santa lives inside all of us. Santa is the magic, the love, the beauty of the season.
We are all Santa, the happy jolly ‘ol bloke. He’s right there, don’t you feel that little swell in your heart when you think about him? That’s you! You have that very same magic, that very same sprinkle dust that will fly you away in your sleigh.
Believe in the magic of you.
Believe in the love you generate out to everyone around you.
Believe in the goodness that exists in this beautiful world.
Believe and know the holiday spirit is within the beautiful, wonderful things you do for others and yourself.
I wish you a magical holiday.
Peace & Love,