Journal sets are meaningful and thoughtful gifts. With so many to choose from, you can get different journal sets for everyone on your holiday shopping list!
Most people hear the word ‘Journal’ and think ‘Diary’. While that is definitely an accurate comparison, it is only one type of journal.
When you write your grocery list, do you grab a pad of paper? What else is on that pad of paper? Could it be a to-do list? Did you flip over a page, going to a fresh one, because you need to keep the top page? When you do your monthly budgeting, do you write out a list in your pad of paper and keep it to check back next month?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, do you realize you have a bullet journal? It’s true! That’s exactly what a bullet journal is!
Have you ever planned a trip? I bet you started by writing down where you wanted to go. Then you began jotting down flight information, rental car locations, hotels with added side notes of ‘must-see’ places. The pages growing, your notes becoming valuable and you take them with you on the trip. Jotting down addresses, prices and before you know it, you’re making notes of what you want to come back and see.
That, my friend, is a travel journal!
Stress less this holiday season and choose journal sets. They make unique gifts for everyone!

Top 5 Journal Sets For Unique Gifts
1. Bullet Journal
A Bullet Journal is perfect for the list obsessed, organizational buff in your life.
Bullet journals do not have lined or blank pages. Instead, the pages are made up of dots. They are heavenly for anyone that LOVES to write lists. Friends and family that are super organized, that seem to have everything under control. Those people make lists. They have lists of lists and will drool over a bullet journal.
What list loving, organization fanatic doesn’t go bananas over a color coded list? These Bullet Journal Sets have everything they need to go crazy!
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2. Gratitude Journal
Who would absolutely love a Gratitude Journal? Everyone!
Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for literally everything. Your life, home, car, job, feet, hands, food, health, spring flowers, rain, snow, your mother, your siblings….. you get the point.
A Gratitude Journal is used to write down all the things you are grateful for. If practiced daily it can shift one’s mindset. Some Gratitude Journals come with prompts (perfect for beginners); while others are blank, allowing the writer to decide how they wish to create their Gratitude Journal.
There are many benefits of a Gratitude Journal: 7 Reasons Why You Should Practice Gratitude Daily
Gratitude Journals With Prompts
Gratitude Journals Without Prompts
Add & Create Unique Gratitude Journal Sets
3. Nature Journal
There are certainly going to be some nature lovers amongst your friends and family. Loved ones that are always out hiking and exploring nature. Getting lost in natural beauty is only one thing they are doing. They are also learning, appreciating, gathering specimens and wondering what things are.
Nature journals take all forms. Here is a collection of my very favorite ones. I love having them handy as reference books as well as a place to document what I see and find.
Nature journals are absolutely perfect for the nature lovers in your life. Perfect for adults and kids!
The BEST Nature Journals
Add & Create Unique Nature Journal Sets
4. Travel Journal
When traveling, it’s important to take time to really appreciate what you are experiencing. What better way to do that, than with a Travel Journal? Perfect for a unique gift for the travelers in your life!
Travel Journals help travelers take time to really appreciate what they are seeing and experiencing. By journaling, they capture more of the moment. Capture, in more ways than one, because in the future they can go back in time and revisit their experiences.
Travel Journal Sets are the perfect gift for the traveler in your life!
Why You Might Want To Have A Travel Journal
Fantastic Travel Journal Sets

5. Art Journal
For some people, words can be hard to find. In their place, art and creativity happen. Art Journal Sets are the perfect gift for your creative friends and family.
There are many types of art journals. It’s important to note that no one art journal is the best one, or the correct one. Also important to note is that you don’t need to be an artist to have an art journal. Art is formed by the creator and takes on whatever form the creator sees.
For the creative souls in your life, Art Journal Sets will be the perfectly unique gift this year!
Classic Journal
Lest we not forget the classic journal sets! More than just a diary. They are beautiful expressions of the authentic individual that dares to journey into themselves. Look at these beautiful journals. Add some ink and you have the perfect unique gift for anyone.
Top 5 Journal Sets For Unique Gifts
I hope you have found the perfect journal sets for all your friends and family!
Don’t forget to get one for yourself!
Peace & Love,