The big glass antique jar inherited from my grandma was perfect for my new Gratitude jar. Every morning I got up early and shuffled over to my newly created ‘Gratitude space’. There I would meditate and faithfully put a note of gratitude in the jar. On day 5 I slept past the alarm. By day 10 the jar started to accumulate dust.
As I cracked the binding of my new Gratitude journal I felt a wave of calmness. Ah yes, true Gratitude. I shall write in you every day. Glorious scrolling words of Gratitude, for I have so much to be grateful! Where is that journal, anyway?
This beautiful white rock is the perfect little Gratitude rock. I shall carry it always. Every time I touch it, I will think of something I am grateful for. Um, anyone seen my rock?
I’ve heard it said that failure is a part of success. Which means I must be REALLY successful at practicing Gratitude, because I have succeeded at failing over and over again….. or have I?
Practicing Gratitude
There are so many ways to practice gratitude, but which way is right for you?
Good question! Let’s figure it out!
If I used the Gratitude jar for 5 days, that was a success, if only for the 5 days. When I slept past the alarm on day 6, my waking thoughts were of the Gratitude jar. Even though I didn’t put a note of Gratitude inside, you bet your knickers I had a grateful thought.
Same goes for my Gratitude journal. The day it laid unopened, did I go without a thought of Gratitude? No I did not, because I thought of the journal, which prompted me to think of something to be grateful for.
Figuring out the best practice of Gratitude for you, starts with trying one to see if it works. If it doesn’t, try another, and another, until you find what works for you.
Effects of Practicing Daily Gratitude
Let’s check in with the experts and see what they have to say about Practicing Gratitude……
Expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease.
Mayo clinic health system
This sounds really good, and you know what? IT IS! I can personally attest to the fact that practicing Gratitude on a daily basis absolutely changed the way I interacted with myself, others, and the world. But my daily practice didn’t just happen. I decided I was going to make a change. I set my mind to it, and I did it.
According to a New York Times article “The best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit, experts say. Look for patterns in your day and think about how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones.”
That sounds like great advice to me! The article goes on to say that you should start small, make it easy and reward yourself.
So what do you think? Ready to see how practicing Gratitude can change your life?
4 Ways To Start Practicing Gratitude
When I started on my Practicing Gratitude journey, I tried each of the approaches explained below. Each worked in its own way, and to be honest, I don’t do any of them on a daily basis….. but that does not mean they didn’t work…. because I do all of them on a regular basis.
Practicing Gratitude has become so much a part of me because of these activities. I have a Gratitude jar always set up and some days I pop a note in. Other days, I find myself grabbing my Gratitude journal. Sometimes I just think random thoughts of gratitude and intentionally state what I am grateful for in my head, to myself.
The one thing I have noticed the most is the change in my unconscious thinking. Something will happen that would otherwise have been terrible, sad, mean, or angry. Now? 9 times out of 10 times I respond with something to be grateful about. At first, this would be like an amazing phenomenon and I loved that. Now, I just smile when the Gratitude emerges.
Of huge importance: always state why you are grateful. State your gratitude with intention.
- “I am grateful for my parents.” Good
- “I am grateful for my parents because they love me unconditionally. I know I can always turn to them and they will help me, support me and always love me”. Much Better
Gratitude has literally changed my life. I hope it changes yours too.
1. Gratitude Jar

A Gratitude jar can be any jar, bowl, cup, anything that will hold a bunch of notes. You don’t need to go shopping and spend any money.
For my Gratitude jar, I used a plastic 16oz container that I found at the local dollar store.
I printed Gratitude on a piece of paper, but you can easily just write it directly on the jar, or leave it blank! You know what the jar is, it doesn’t need a label.
Next to my Gratitude jar I have paper and pens handy, so I can grab and write without searching.
I like to date my notes. On sad days, I empty my jar and read my notes of Gratitude. They can always be relied upon to sweep my blues away!
2. Gratitude Rock
Painted rocks seem to be all the rage these days, so why not paint a Gratitude Rock!
Get creative and make the rock meaningful to you.
Place it where you will see it every day.
When you see your rock, say out loud something you are grateful for and why you are grateful for it.
Practice this every time you see the rock.
Fun for the whole family! Everyone paint a rock!

3. Gratitude Banner
I found this really cool Gratitude banner garland on and I love it!
It is super simple. Just print the labels, find yourself some twine, write what you are grateful for, glue and hang!
Easy, mindful, and really cute in any room.
You could have each person in the family write one! Or just you, whatever works for you.
Just like with the rock, hang it where you will see it every day. Each time you see it, think of something you are grateful for. Remember to include why you are grateful.

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4. Gratitude Journal
A journal-a-holic. That is what I am. Perhaps my favorite of all is the Gratitude Journal.
Currently, I am loving the Gratitude Journal I purchased from The Lamare. It’s a beautiful lilac, soft cover. Inside the daily prompts are easy and not overwhelming. I’ve been very consistent with this Gratitude journal. Something about it makes me want to write in it every day.
You can purchase it yourself right here!

5. ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne
Don’t think twice… you must have this book. Purchase it here. It was undoubtedly the most amazing Gratitude experience I ever had. It will stay with me forever, and I will practice it again and again.
“In ‘The Magic’, Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life.”
Make a commitment to follow this practice. 28 days. You can do it! It’s worth it!
Practicing Gratitude Your Way
If none of the above sound appealing to you, then create your own Gratitude practice! When you do, please stop back and share. I always love to hear from people.
This is a journey we are on together. I learn so much from you and am inspired in so many ways by those that share their journey, so stop back and let me know how it goes!
Peace and Love,