Solo Travel As A Woman
My Story

Barreling down US23. Country Music Highway. Kentucky.
In command of a 32 foot, 12,000 pound, 12 foot high, 8 foot wide, Class C RV.
A fancy new hat and good ‘ol country music filling the space. Favorite song after favorite song, the DJ is in my head. Note after note I sing in perfect harmony.
Clear blue sky. Rays of sunshine beaming down.
Black mountain rock on either side. Up, over and around the mountains we go.
Empty road behind, empty road ahead.
Destination? Didn’t matter.
All that mattered – in that very moment – was my SELF.
Just me and Bee. Bee’n Me.
One of my favorite road trip memories.

Female Solo Travel
My announcement that I planned to take an RV trip halfway across the US, by myself, was not exactly met with a grandiose amount of joy. Safety was the concern I was hearing. Not so much ability, which I was thankful for, but safety.
I am so abundantly grateful to be loved and cherished so much. Safety was top of mind for me as well. (Future blog coming on safety tips.)
Things that did scare me:
- I could find myself among individuals that did not have my best interest at heart
- My GPS could route me onto a road I should not be on (it happens, even with a truck GPS)
- A tire could blow
- Something could happen to someone at home and I would be so far away
- Something could happen to me and my family would be so far away
- I could get sick (and I did)
- Could I handle being alone. Would I be scared?
- What if I had a mechanical problem and couldn’t get a tow truck before nightfall
- What if I got the tow truck but there was no place for me to sleep that was safe
The truth is, there are a bazillion things to be afraid of and a gazillion reasons why female solo travel is discouraged by many.
And then there is courage. Bravery. A feeling so deep down in your soul that cannot, will not, be ignored.
I had to do this…. and you can too!
Things that did not scare me:
- Driving the RV
- Having trouble inside the RV (like when the fridge crapped out)
- Taking care of the rig (like when I had to change hardware on the poop shoot)
- Staying in campgrounds by myself
- Checking out new towns, dining, going to shows… alone
- Hiking in the forest, enjoying a campfire or going for bike rides by myself
I love my family and friends to infinity and beyond. But I am not afraid of being alone.
It is liberating. You have really got to see for yourself.
The Redefining Tour
My first ‘real’ solo travel was in November 2021. I call it ‘real’ because I had gone on small trips in the past. Venturing within a radius of maybe 300 miles. At most I spent a night or two alone. Once I went on a 5 day solo RV trip, but that was only 47 miles from home, so I don’t think it counts.
Dubbed the ‘Redefining Tour’. Bee’n Me rolled over 2,000 miles of road through 10 different states. She drank over $800 of gas and I drank over… well we don’t need to know everything now, do we?
Cold temps in the northern states with some nights below freezing. Warmer temps in the southern states and just fine in the middle.
The first day I left midday and traveled to PA; about 3 hours drive time for day 1.
Through Harvest Hosts, I had arranged to stay at Bent Limb Farm, located in Shoemakersville PA.

Upon arrival, which was later than expected, I received a warm welcome from owner Pam. After a friendly chat, she showed me to my spot for the night and said I was welcome to join the morning rounds.
4:57 by the rooster’s crow. After a peaceful sleep I’m racked with a coughing fit. Gotta shake this cold.
I sit outside Bee capturing photos with my eyes, storing them in my mind for later recall.
Loving the gentle layer of frost, nip in the air, smell of my coffee, sound of the goats.
Oh my, what a glorious morning!
bee’n me ~ redefining tour ~ Journal entry day 1
Morning on the Farm
Up early I was, happily thanking my friend the rooster. Rounds with Andrea Perno, farm hand, sci-fi writer and freelance artist. I’ve read the first in her series ‘The Last Drop‘. Well written, relatable storyline with loveable characters. 2 thumbs up, you should read it, and find her on Facebook. Her artwork is beautiful.
I was happier than the pigs in mud as I got to tag along for morning feedings. The alpacas walked peacefully by, within arms length. In the chicken pen I collected eggs and got a fresh goose egg!
After rounds it was time to hit the open road. Taking with me an experience I treasure always; as well as pork, poultry and beef in my freezer. Chicken eggs and a great big goose egg in the fridge.
Oh yeah, it was fantastic. If ever in the area, do be sure to drop in and shop! You will not be disappointed.

Driveway Living
Trip recker: broken fridge!!!!
It’s good to have friends! Even better when they live close to an RV repair center AND have a level driveway just big enough for your RV. (AND cold beer)
NO WAY I was losing all that meat from Bent Limb Farm! Forever grateful.
What’s better than two nights of driveway living with my besties?
A fixed fridge and side trip with the girls!
When Solo Travel Turns Into Girls Trip
It would be preposterous for me not to reroute my trip for the chance to have a crazy-a$$ girls weekend!
That is how I came to be barreling down Interstate 81 with 3 of the best ladies you will ever meet. Music cranking, cackle of laughter and the taste of sweet, beautiful friendship.
We landed in Helen, Georgia. Found ourselves in the bier garden (imagine that). Ate awesome German food, checked out cool shops, rode the Alpine Mountain Coaster (so freakin’ fun), made friends with half the bar and hosted some fellow campers at our campfire. We even cooked up the goose egg.
From Hearthstone Cabins and Camping an ‘Easy walk to town’ is true, on the way there. The way back? Not so much! Lucky for us, we flagged down 2 women in a golf cart. Yup, you heard right. We poured our 4 drunk butts onto their golf cart and had the most hysterical ride back up the mountain. That’s a lot of baggage for 1 little golf cart, but we made it, with a lot of ‘go baby go, go baby go’. chuckle chuckle
To those women, if you ever read this, you remember us… how could any of us ever forget?? THANK YOU!!!!

Back to Solo Travel!
Solo trip shakedown!
Who re-routes their trip in the middle of the adventure? ME! That’s who!
Original plan was continuing in GA, dipping into FL and back up through SC; but I had to get the girls home and I didn’t much feel like backtracking a couple hundred miles.
So where to?
The volunteer state, Tennessee!
Having never been to Tennessee, you can imagine how exciting this was!!!
Destination: Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Woot Woot!!!
Side Excursions: Gatlinburg (cool little town) and the Arts Community (incredible talent).

Bee’n Me made camp at Elkmont Campround, located in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Backed up alongside the river. No reception what-so-ever. I literally had to drive 13 miles if I wanted to make a phone call. It was perfect.
The last of the wood on the fire; the last of my bottle of wine
Full moon reflection on the river
My body spent. 7 miles. Up, then down, the mountainside
My belly full from dinner cooked on the open fire
My soul satiated
My mind and heart heady with the love and care from all with me on this journey
The silence, the moon, the occasional crackle of the fire
The sweet soft roll of the river’s water
Was there ever a woman more blessed, capable, brave, knowing of all her blessings and strength, able to embrace it all?
I am she, now in this moment.
And I love her.
bee’n me ~ redefining tour ~ Journal entry. November 16, 2021

NOTE TO SELF: do not eat on the trail
Memorable Moment: Standing on the top of a mountain in Great Smoky Mountain National Park, having hiked up and around, ever vigilant for bears, thighs and gluteus maximus burning.
Bring ‘er Home
“It’s night 13 of my trip. I sit by the fire, wearing the alpaca gloves I bought on the alpaca farm on night 2. Sipping wine from Virginia Mountain Vineyards, where Bee’n Me are parked for the night.
Looking to the east at the last November full moon, the Beaver moon they call it, lighting up the vineyard.
Staring straight, to the south, at the pink, golden orange hugging the Blue Ridge Mountains.
I turn my gaze westward at the setting sun behind Bee who sits with the Alleghany mountains in the background.
As the fire dies, I head back to the rig. Sitting happily, thinking. It will go down below freezing tonight. Not so good for a camper, with pipes that can freeze. Lucky for me, my host extended an invitation to run my generator. I will take him up on it; at least until I’m ready for bed.
The rig smells marvelous with the aroma of meatballs and pasta. Lovingly made months ago and frozen for my trip. They go divinely with the wine.
It occurred to me on many occasions, during my expedition, that I have not been alone. I can all but feel mom, grandma Anne and grandpa Ken. How is it I can travel 13 days, over 1700 miles, in nothing but sunshine? Not even a windy day! Granted, I’ve got two days left to go before I hit home.
Only the good lord and my angels know what lies ahead, but lordy lordy have I been blessed!!!!“
The Next Chapter
Oh how sweet it is to be home!
But not sweet enough to keep me here forever. My wandering heart begs to travel and Bee is calling me.
What Will Your Next Chapter Look Like?
I hope, in some way, my story inspires you to do something that honors your SELF. Check out my post: Seriously Impactful Solo Retreat ~ 6 Steps Away. It’s a great way to start your solo travel experience.
au revoir for now….
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The Blooming Lion Tour
2,381 Miles. 8 States. 1 Lady. 1 Rig.