I was recently asked how I define the Law Of Attraction.
My answer:
“My husband and I have always been attracted to each other. Like all the way back to high school, the universe kept putting us together. We had to get married really, because it was only inevitable that we would be together according to the simple and finite rules of the Law of Attraction.“
To those of you rolling on the floor laughing, keep going, it is funny, I see that now.
For those that don’t get the joke, don’t feel bad. I had no idea why this was a funny answer, until I learned how the Law Of Attraction works.

What Was Wrong With My Definition
For starters, the universe didn’t orchestrate the matching. Imagine what the world would look like if that were happening. (insert laughter)
We matched ourselves. We sent our expectations of what we wished to attract into the universe, and we received what we were manifesting.
Simple and finite? Not exactly. (insert laughter, again)
Simple? Maybe, depending on your perspective.
Finite? Not a chance. There are no limits on the Law of Attraction.
The belief that my husband and I had nothing to do with anything, is funny because we had everything to do with all of it.
Discover how the Law Of Attraction can help you live Your Life, Your Way
Law Of Attraction Example
I have 2 friends that live by the Law of Attraction. How I was missing the depth of what they were doing, and how they were manifesting their lives, I can’t really explain.
They are partners in life. Sharing, enjoying, loving life together. Each with their own career that fulfills their ‘Self’; but not their wallets. With relatively empty pockets, they enjoy an adventurous life full of trips, outings, experiences, that require money. If you were to do the math, there is no mathematical way their life adventures compute with their income.
There is, however, an explanation.
‘Money Comes Easy And Frequently’
They say this All. The. Time.
For example, their son is graduating college. They need to travel out of state and stay a few nights in a hotel. Their first questions: How are we going to do this? How will we pay for it? In comes the mantra. Don’t worry, ‘Money Comes Easy And Frequently’. It will work out. Make the reservation, we’re going.
Would you know it – one of them just received an email at work explaining why they are getting an extra $800 in their paycheck this month.
I kid you not. True story. And that’s just an example of what happened this month. They could go on with a list of examples going back for years.
Even they will tell you, they are living beyond their conceptual imagination of what they should be able to do based on their income. They ask and they receive.
How The Law Of Attraction Works
- Belief
- Acceptance
- Specific
- Intention
- Consistency
B. A. S. I. C. rule for the Law Of Attraction.
Belief. For the Law of Attraction to work, you must believe that putting out what you wish to receive, will result in receipt. If you don’t believe, how can it work? On the one hand you are stating what you need, while on the other you are stating you won’t get it. That’s never going to work. Float your intention out there, trust and believe, and it will be.
Acceptance. Accept and be grateful for what is received. Maybe $800 won’t pay the full bill for the hotel. OK, be grateful for what you have attracted and remain confident that somehow it will all work out. How? ‘Money comes easy and frequently’. Don’t try to control exactly how it will happen.
Specific. How are we going to pay for the hotel room? ‘Money comes easy and frequently’. They attract enough money to pay for the hotel room. If they were to say, ‘We Need Money’, they could find a penny in the street. It is important to be specific about what you are looking to attract.
Intention. Be clear on your intention. ‘Money comes easy and frequently’. The intention is that money will come to them and it won’t be hard, it will be easy, and it won’t be just one time, it will be frequently. Their intention is to have a regular flow of money. State it out loud. (that’s important)
Consistent. I can repeat their mantra off the top of my head. It is clearly defined and absolutely consistent.
I Didn’t Even Know I Was Doing It
At the age of 27 I was presented with an opportunity to relocate with my company to another state. There I was, a single mom, with a young child, moving to a state over 800 miles from home, where I had no family or friends. The opportunity, however, was one that only comes by once in a lifetime. So I did it.
From the day I accepted this opportunity, I said I was going for 5 years. During the course of those 5 years, I was going to work hard, gain experience, then come back and live in my home state. It was my intention that I would achieve success in my career. I stated this verbally and often.
Within 1 week of my 5 year anniversary of moving, I officially moved back home. I earned a higher position within the organization and was able to live comfortably.
It was the Law of Attraction at work.
- Belief: My move was temporary, I would move home in 5 years.
- Acceptance: I accepted the transfer opportunity to come home; I did not get hung up in the details or try to control the details.
- Specific: Move, climb the corporate ladder, come back home, 5 years.
- Intention: Gain experience and move back home.
- Consistent: My focus on coming home never wavered. I stated my intentions consistently.
Be careful what you are putting out to the universe. You will attract what you are seeking.
Be sure you know what you are doing.
My example illustrates a positive outcome. Good things happened; but I was not intentionally and consciously applying the Law Of Attraction. I was not consciously aware of the Law Of Attraction as a tool available to me, to manifest and move my life, onto a chosen path, mindfully and intentionally.
Think about that for a moment. It’s very powerful.
The reverse could have been: I will never get out of this hole I’m in. I will have to work endless hours every week, never having time to do the things I want to do with my son. Precious moments with him will be lost because I have to work all the time. I will be perpetually and forever exhausted. This will never change.
What if that is what I was thinking, saying, putting out to the universe?
Can you imagine where I would be right now?
I shiver to think of all I would have lost.
Be ever diligent in what you are putting forward into the universe.
Science Behind The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction can’t be ‘seen’, as in materialistically. Nor can it be measured in a quantitative way. There is no concrete, ‘check all the boxes’, direct comparison for measurement. The law is subject to personal observation. This makes it difficult to prove.
“There is no empirical scientific evidence supporting the law of attraction, and it is widely considered to be pseudoscience.” Wikipedia
What is ’empirical scientific evidence’?
“Empirical methods are objective, the results of a quantitative evaluation that produces a theory.
Non-empirical methods are the opposite, using current events, personal observations, and subjectivity to draw conclusions.” (source: Impactio)
What is ‘Pseudoscience’?
“… Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; absence of systematic practices when developing hypotheses…” (source: Wikipedia)
Say, WHAT?
I understand how the Law Of Attraction cannot be measured in a format that is free of bias and accurate; and therefore understand why there is no empirical scientific evidence.
I don’t know about you, but I am not feeling as comfortable with the inference of ‘pseudoscience’; but if I’m being honest, I understand how claims can be exaggerated and/or falsified; so I can relate to the application.
So where does this leave us?
Have I just discredited the Law Of Attraction?
Using my friends as an example, I don’t see how anyone can prove, from an empirical method, that the mantra ‘Money Comes Easy And Frequently’ is the direct cause of $800 in a paycheck.
This is where belief, trust and acceptance come into play.
Not being able to prove that something does exist, does not mean that it doesn’t exist.
Quantum Physics & Law of Attraction
Everything in our universe is connected by energy. The sun, earth, animals, planets, humans. The moon, sea and ocean.
Usage of energy, both physical and mindful, generates outward energy.
The energy that is generated outward is received. I receive that energy, you receive that energy, the earth receives that energy.
Energy is felt in a room when someone enters. A happy person transmits happiness. Happy attracts happy. Like atoms attract like atoms.
Conversely, a negative person transmits negativity. Negativity attracts negativity. Like atoms attract like atoms.
Anger, hatred, love, compassion, support. All generate outward energy. All are felt by a look, a movement, or simply by the presence.
“The physical world is a sea of Energy constantly flashing into and out of existence. It is through our thoughts that we transform this ever-changing Energy into observable reality. Therefore, we can create our reality with our thoughts. With quantum physics, science is leaving behind the notion that human beings are powerless victims and moving toward an understanding that we are fully empowered creators of our lives and of our world.” -Kate Corbin Link to Full Article
Now where does this leave us?
I understand and relate to this explanation of energy. It is something I can ‘feel’. Even if I cannot ‘see’ it, and am unable to ‘prove’ it, I firmly believe and know it to exist. I have experienced and witnessed it.
I wonder, what are your thoughts about this? Share them in the comments!
What I Believe About The Law of Attraction
I believe Law Of Attraction is a powerful tool in our tool box of techniques we can use on our journey of self-discovery.
It is not to be taken lightly. One must be careful in what they are putting out to the universe.
In choosing wisely, we are in control of our lives.
Yesterday, I believed the universe had control over the law of attraction.
Today I know what I put out is what I will receive.
Tomorrow is what I choose to manifest in my life.
My Life, My Way.
How will you change your tomorrow?
Your Life, Your Way
If you liked this article, check out my blog on Mindful Self-Awareness. It further elaborates on the concept of Quantum Physics and how we are part of the larger universe of energy.
NOTE: I am not a scientist. I hold no qualifications for practicing, teaching, or doing anything else, that relates to the Empirical Method or Quantum Physics. I am simply a chick sharing my journey of self-discovery as it relates to the Law Of Attraction. Except where directly quoted, this article is my opinion and interpretation, based on my experience, observation and research.